Top 10 Anime Similar to Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers

Hello guys, welcome back to’s Anime Manga World website. In this post, I will present you with the Top 10 anime similar to Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers, also known as Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life and Chillin Different World Life of the Ex-Brave Candidate was Cheat from Lv2.

Top 10 Anime Similar to Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers

Short Introduction to Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers

Banaza, a modest merchant, is abruptly summoned to a foreign realm under the assumption that he might be the hero needed to conquer a demon army. However, when it becomes apparent to his summoners that he lacks any extraordinary abilities, they quickly dismiss him. But a twist of fate intervenes, and Banaza finds himself unable to return to his original world. Stranded in this unfamiliar kingdom, he must navigate his new surroundings and find a way to survive. As he begins this unexpected journey, it soon becomes clear that Banaza may possess hidden powers far greater than anyone, himself included, could have anticipated. This realization might just be the key to his survival and to proving his worth in this strange new world.

Episodes: TV (1+ eps)

Rank: #3846

Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life, Cheats, Demons, Game Elements, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Summoned into Another World

10. Demon Lord, Retry!

 Demon Lord, Retry!

On the evening when Akira Oono’s favorite online game is scheduled to be shut down, he unexpectedly finds himself transported into the game as his character, Demon Lord Hakuto Kunai. Initially lacking confidence, Akira must now navigate this new world alongside a young girl who has sustained injuries. Equipped with his character’s powerful game mechanics and abilities, Akira transforms from an ordinary gamer into a formidable figure. As he journeys through this varied world filled with saints, demons, and enchanting allies, he strategically plans his next moves, leveraging his newfound powers to overcome challenges and forge alliances.

Release Year: 2019

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Demon King, Demons, Game Elements, Isekai, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Summoned Into Another World, Trapped in a Video Game, Based on a Light Novel

9. My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered

 My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered

Yogiri Takatou wakes up to a horrifying scene during a school trip: his entire class has been transported to another world while he slept through the event, missing the distribution of mystical powers by a Sage who appeared to facilitate their transfer. To make matters worse, he discovers that he and another classmate were callously left behind by their peers as sacrificial bait to distract a nearby dragon. Surprisingly indifferent to the prospect of dying, Yogiri is nonetheless compelled to protect his remaining companion. Unbeknownst to others, Yogiri harbors a formidable secret power: the ability to cause instant death with just a thought. The challenge lies in his willingness to use this power as long as he can stay awake long enough to do so.

Release Year: 2024

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen, Cheats, Isekai, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Summoned Into Another World, Violence, Based on a Light Novel

8. Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious Recap

 Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious Recap

A recap episode covering episodes 1-6 of Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious.

Release Year: 2019

Episodes: TV Special (1 ep)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Demons, Game Elements, Gods, Isekai, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Recap, Summoned Into Another World, Based on a Light Novel

7. I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level 2nd Season

 I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level 2nd Season

The second season of I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level.

Release Year: 2025

Episodes: TV

Tags: Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Game Elements, Isekai, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Reincarnation, Slow Life, Witches, Based on a Light Novel

6. New The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It My Life Had It Made

 New The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It My Life Had It Made


In an unexpected turn of events, a self-declared god takes over a school’s intercom system. He announces that the students will be transported to another world to become heroes with special skills tasked with defeating a Demon King. The transition successfully sends most students, but Seiichi Hiiragi, often bullied for his less desirable appearance, is initially left behind because no one chooses him as a teammate. The god, however, decides to send Seiichi to join his classmates, but he ends up alone in a remote forest, far from both his peers and any civilization.

Struggling to cope with his isolation and determined to change his dire situation, Seiichi faces continued hardships that seem to worsen by the day. When all hope appears lost, he stumbles upon a peculiar fruit known as the “Fruit of Evolution.” This discovery marks the beginning of what may be a transformative journey for Seiichi, potentially leading him toward a much brighter future in this strange new world.

Release Year: 2023

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Demons, Game Elements, Isekai, Monsters, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Summoned Into Another World, Based on a Light Novel

5. The Aristocrat’s Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far

 The Aristocrat

After heroically dying while stopping a crime in modern Japan, our protagonist is reborn in a fantastical realm of swords and sorcery as Cain von Silford, the third son of a noble family. In this new world, each child is graced with a blessing from the gods upon birth. Unexpectedly, Cain is endowed with an incredibly vast and extravagant array of magical powers. To fulfill his dream of exploring the world as a liberated spirit, he must carefully conceal his extraordinary abilities from those who might misuse them. Embarking on a light-hearted, escapist adventure, Cain navigates his new life, balancing the desire for freedom with the need to protect his powerful secrets.

Release Year: 2023

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Cheats, Game Elements, Isekai, Magic, Nobility, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Reincarnation, Based on a Light Novel

4. My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!

 My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!

Yuji Sano, a corporate employee perpetually buried in work, whether at the office or at home, encounters an unexpected twist when his home PC displays a message summoning him to another world. Dismissing it as a glitch, Yuji restarts his computer, only to realize he’s inadvertently accepted the summoning! Now, in a fantasy realm far from the familiar confines of paperwork and digital screens, Yuji is desperate to wake from what he believes to be a dream and return to his backlog of work. However, this new world has different plans for him. Yuji soon discovers he has the Monster Tamer class, enabling him to befriend slimes. These slimes prove to be more than mere companions as they help him absorb a vast amount of magical knowledge, quickly earning him a second character class. Now known as the greatest sage in the realm, Yuji must navigate his newfound powers. Yet, he can’t help but wonder how this will affect the mountain of paperwork waiting for him back home.

Release Year: 2022

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, Game Elements, Isekai, Magic, Monsters, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Slimes, Summoned Into Another World, Based on a Light Novel

3. Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

 Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

In the fantastical world of Gaeabrande, Goddess Ristarte faces the critical task of summoning a hero to rescue her realm. The hero she summons, Seiya Ryuuguuin, takes caution to an extreme level. He is obsessively dedicated to muscle training and insists on acquiring the best armor possible before even considering facing low-level creatures. For Seiya, no precaution is too small, and he approaches every mission with an abundance of caution, making him an invincible, albeit overly cautious, hero. This singular approach defines his every step in the quest to save Gaeabrande.

Release Year: 2019

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Demons, Game Elements, Gods, Isekai, Magic, Non-Human Protagonists, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Summoned Into Another World, Violence, Based on a Light Novel

2. Demon Lord, Retry! R

 Demon Lord, Retry! R

In this revitalized series, the Demon Lord embarks on fresh adventures after a fateful meeting with a mysterious entity in the deepest level of the Bastille Dungeon. Motivated by this encounter, he ventures into Hellion Territory, a region where Grand Devils fiercely compete for control. Adding a new advisor, Akane, a seemingly incurable optimist, injects even more vibrancy and eccentricity into the Demon Lord’s entourage. Together, they navigate the chaotic political landscape of the realm, their escapades growing increasingly wild and whimsical.

Release Year: 2024

Episodes: TV

Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Demon King, Demons, Isekai, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Summoned Into Another World, Trapped in a Video Game, Based on a Light Novel

1. I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

 I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

After succumbing to overwork in the real world, I find myself reincarnated as an immortal witch, basking in a tranquil existence for 300 years. Unbeknownst to me, my casual endeavors to make ends meet by defeating slimes inadvertently push my level to the upper echelon of 99! As word of the level 99 witch spreads, my quiet life quickly becomes a hub for curious adventurers, duel-seeking dragons, and even a monster girl who claims me as her mother. Despite my protests—”This isn’t a dojo, so don’t come here to fight me!”—my reputation as the strongest witch attracts endless challenges. Having never embarked on an adventure myself, I now face the irony of being the world’s most formidable witch. What will become of the peaceful existence I so cherished?

Release Year: 2021

Episodes: TV (12 eps)

Tags: Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Game Elements, Isekai, Magic, Overpowered Main Characters, Person in a Strange World, Reincarnation, Slimes, Slow Life, Witches, Based on a Light Novel

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